Saturday, June 19, 2010

My Dad

My Dad loves ice cream, Dots, nonparels, Hershey bars, donuts, pizza, spaghetti and meatballs, orange juice in the morning, and vanilla cake with buttercream icing from Publix.
And he likes to share...most of the time :)

My Dad is humble and laughs at himself easily.

My Dad is a good listener...when he hasn't already figured out what your problem is before you start talking :)

By God's grace, my Dad realized Jesus was the Way, the Truth and the Life, and shares it with anyone who will listen by loving them where they are and living it out.

My Dad loves the rain- to walk in it, listen to it, and watch it.
My Dad loves to go out to eat....particularly to the Waffle House...any Waffle House.

My Dad loves peaceful, instrumental music.

My Dad likes to sit by himself in the morning and read his Bible.

My Dad is a teacher at heart, and he teaches all the time even if he's not trying to :)

My Dad is doing things for other people most of the time.

My Dad always does his best.

My Dad likes to take a 15 minute nap once each day.

My Dad loves Stargate, NCIS, 24, and going to the movies.

My Dad loves watching sports, but he refuses to let them get in the way of his time with his family.

My Dad lost two beloved children to heaven sooner than he expected, and never wavered in his belief that God is always, always good.

My Dad loves and treasures his wife.

My Dad pours into other men what he has learned in this journey of life.

My Dad loves his grandkids. He loves to have brown cows with them and get down on their level and hold them and teach them what he knows.

My Dad loves to read and always let me buy as many books as I wanted. :)
My Dad loves me, and he does it well.
My Dad always points me to the One who knows everything and loves perfectly.

Thank You, Jesus, for my Dad and all the ways He reveals to me who You are!


  1. You nailed it, Kirsten. Your dad is a daddy to many many people. God gave him an extra dose of "fatherhood" and we all benefit. I was talking to Annie today and told her no matter how hard we try, we cannot give to your dad without getting way more back than what we gave. There is only one Jack McEntee. Thank you for sharing him with the rest of us who love him so dearly.

    Mary Anne :)

  2. What a wonderful tribute! When my Dad died 10 years ago I gave a eulogy and it was one of the hardest things I ever did, because- - how can you sum up someone so wonderful and show how much you love them in just a few short minutes? You can't ever do them justice, really... but when you capture glimpses of them like this your love fills in the gaps. :)
