@Nelson Academy

Welcome to Nelson Academy!  If I am posting anything that has to do with homeschool or parenting, I will add @Nelson Academy to the title.  

I am Kirsten, mom to Kylie (9, Year 3) and Evelyn (6, Year 1), and very blessed and thankful wife to Phil, my honey.

One day I was flipping around on the internet, and came across a blog of a fellow homeschooling mom who sounded enough like me enough that I could say, "Well, maybe I could do this..."

And so we did. And we haven't looked back.

I am so incredibly grateful to the women who have taken the time to share their hearts not just with their own families, but with mine through their blogs about homeschool and faithfully, diligently "seeing well to the ways of their household". 

And they don't even know my name. 

So, with that in mind, I decided we would make a blog of our own and share our journey with you. We are far from perfect, and I will straight out tell you that I do NOT have it all together ! But, I love my family, and I love Jesus and He gives me the grace to do this thing.  

I hope some of it helps you, encourages you, and keeps you going on those "yellow school bus" days.

It's worth it, friend. It's all worth it!

Do you want a little more detail about what we do? 

We homeschool according to the Charlotte Mason philosophy, and using the free Ambleside Online curriculum.  

My daughters are basically in 3rd grade and 1st grade, which we call Year 3 and Year 1.    

To read more about the Charlotte Mason philosophy, click here.  I also highly recommend For the Children's Sake by Susan Shaeffer Macaulay and A Charlotte Mason Companion by Karen Andreola. 

To read more about Ambleside Online, click here. 

You can also ask me!