Sunday, May 27, 2012

Precious, One by One

The Bible says that God inhabits the praises of His people.

In the Old Testament especially, He commands the people to give thanks to Him over and over.  To celebrate and sing of what He has done.

He doesn't do this because He wants to feel good about Himself, because He's not like us.  He has no "need" for us...He just loves us and wants to be with us.  

He does it to help us remember. 
Because we need to remember.   

To remember how faithful He has always been, and that He never changes.

To remember how, time after time, He takes what seems broken beyond repair and restores it to a beauty we couldn't even have pictured if we tried.

To remember how He loves to surprise us with His creative ways of doing more than we could "ever ask or imagine".

I can't remember what I ate for lunch yesterday, so I am really grateful He tells us to do this.  It's why I write things down in my journal, keep track of them on my calendar, set reminders on my phone, put up pictures of people I love.

Being intentionally thankful changes things.  So, with that heart, I hope to begin sharing with you once a week or so some pictures of moments for which I am grateful.    

Because each moment becomes more precious when you take them one by one.  

The adventure of a hail storm- with no damage to the house

Little girls who love things like snails...

...and spiders (as long as they are not crawling on us:)  )

The joy of a little girl who gets to wear her princess bathing suit

My sweet puppy who is always ready to play :)

Kylie deciding she wants to journal...because Rarity on My Little Pony does it

Being surprised by a flower Evie made for me...and thoughtfully taped to my bedside table so it wouldn't fall :) 

May your weekend be blessed, friends! 

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