Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Just Like Heaven

Did you know that we will work in heaven?  Don't worry- it's not what you think.

First of all, we will not sit around on clouds with little cherub angels playing harps.  (Who came up with that, anyway?  Somebody was SO not paying attention when that crazy notion slipped through.)

The Bible says that on the new earth, we will rule and reign with Christ.  It says that He has given us gifts to be used for His praise and glory.  We already have some of those gifts, and we can even use and strengthen them here on earth.  We use them here because they show people who He is.  But, we will also use them in heaven.  So basically, the cool part is that, in heaven, you get to work doing stuff you really like!  And, by the way, angels are really big, strong and powerful warriors.

Since we have started homeschooling using the Charlotte Mason "philosophy" (it's so much more than that), I have been amazed at how much I have learned.  I mean, hello.  I am teaching a first grader and a four year old.  What am I learning?   

Well, for one thing I am trying my hand at gardening.  Gerri (my lovely stepmom) and Nick (my awesome brother) came out and set up 4 box gardens for us a few weeks ago, and we planted tomatoes, green beans, spinach, and potatoes.  Today we planted some strawberries, and here we are planting some bulbs in the front garden.

This would not be a big deal if I had ever in my entire life gardened.  Or  even managed to keep a potted plant alive for more than a week- which by the way I have not been able to do.  Before we began homeschooling, I had never read excellent literature, enjoyed poems, gotten to know composers and their music, had any understanding of history as a whole and why it matters that we learn about it, taken a nature walk, watched butterflies come out of their chrysalid, sewed, learned hymns, tried drawing and painting, read Shakespeare, and many other things!

It's almost like I wasn't really living.  

When I felt God nudging me last summer to go to full-time homeschool, I did not expect this.  I did not expect all the laughter and joy, the refreshing effect of surrounding ourselves with beautiful things.

I did not expect what it would begin to do in my heart.   I was pretty sure it would be great for the kids.  But, as is like Him and His ways- it has also been amazing for me.

I feel like I am waking up from a long sleep.

I've been so busy...doing, doing, doing.  Finishing the list.  Getting it done.  Making the next list.  Getting another piece of paper to continue the list.  Getting to the weekend.  Figuring out what to go and accomplish next.

Why?  Why am I really here, anyway?

Jesus says I am here to love Him and to love other people.  I ask Him every day to make my heart yearn for what His yearns for.  I am far, far away from this!  But this time at home with the girls...it's a beginning of something I did not even know was there.  Living.  Really, really living.  Enjoying and being grateful for each day.

Hearing the birds sing.

Noticing when new flowers bloom.

Crying when something is sad.

Taking a nap when I need to rest, and leaving the dishes in the sink.

Listening to my daughters' stories about their dolls and the latest game they made up to play with their stuffed animals.

Really listening to a friend share their pain.

Laughing long and hard.

Taking time to be silly.

Praying.  Sitting with Him.  Just because I can.

This time will pass.  I pray I will live fully here.  I pray that I will live fully in whatever season is next.  I pray that I, like Jesus and by His power, will live fully, and most importantly, love well.  


  1. I feel like I am waking up from a long sleep...That line makes me smile.

  2. I hear you! We just decided for me to stay home a little over a year ago and I LOVE IT. I stayed home to do foster care, and then God led me to homeschool my own son as well, beginning this summer. I'm so very excited to truly live.
