Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Day 2011

 Our first stop on Christmas Eve was Cammy's, KJ and Little E's Grandmom.  She lives about 6 miles away, and wanted to have everyone over.

Grandpa Dave was a trooper, because it's hard for him to make all those stairs.  He got his exercise, that's for sure!  

 Cammy made us a nice spread.  KJ and Little E headed right for the M&M's and goldfish, of course.  

  Cammy's looking lovely today.  I think hostessing suits her :)  And Little E's in her usual spot on Daddy's lap! 

  Grandpa found his spot next to the cheese fondu. 
 I just had to get a picture of the pink sparkly shoes Little E picked.

 I was trying to be artsy with this picture. Didn't quite work out. 
 Caught red-handed with chocolate.   

 Yeah, I know it's blurry.  But it's a moment and I didn't want to miss sharing it. 
 And that one.  Yes, I know I'm still eating.  I have issues. 

And now for Christmas morning........

 The girls were super patient and waited until almost 11am to open gifts.  I am always amazed that they don't fight against that!  Maybe it's just because we have always started later, and that's all they know.  They run downstairs and look, of course.  But then they head back upstairs and watch some cartoons to wait until the Grandparents and Daddy wake up.  Little E kept asking because this was the first year she really gets that she's getting gifts and she was really hyper-excited.  We've had to work with her a lot on how to receive a gift- she struggles with having certain expectations and then not having them be met.  When I say 'struggles', I mean she cries.  We had a big talk before Christmas morning gifts and prayed some, because she had already cried about two gifts she received before Christmas.  Not the best track record.  Good teaching opportunities!  

 Just had to get a picture of those sweet feet of Little E's in her new fuzzy warm socks.  

 KJ made everyone's gifts.  I didn't even encourage her to do that, she just did it.  I realized afterwards that I really should have made her part of the gift giving process this year.  I've been teaching them to receive gifts, but not to give them.  Oops.  She asked, "Why do you write on the package that it's from me when I don't even know what it is?"  A very good question!  She is so good for me.  I love that kid.  Anyway, she made Chloe this sock with a tennis ball in it.  It was a big hit!
 KJ was like a ray of sunshine while we opened gifts.  It really struck me.  She loves giving gifts, and sharing in what people open even if she's not the one who gives it.  She just loves to see people enjoy things.  I love that about her!
 Little E wanted to stack her gifts.  She kept moving them around so they would fit in the pile.  Hilarious! 

 KJ's homemade gift in lovely wrapping, for mommy and daddy :)
KJ got a new book!  

 Chloe wants to be part of the action.  Doesn't she look pretty in her bow? 
 Starbucks gift card from Cammy!  Think he's excited? 

 I got a new bracelet from Grandma and Grandpa!  Sorry I didn't get a better picture of it!  Or keep my eyes open for this picture, for that matter... 
 Pink legos!!  
 After this 'jump in the arms' hug (which is a Little E specialty) she immediately took her Lego box over to the kitchen counter, cleared some space, and began opening and organizing it.  The girl is focused. 
 Chloe's favorite person. 

 Cammy's new David Crowder Band cd.  
 Grandma's new gold hoops. 
 Grandpa smiling about his new FSU t-shirt.  

 Opening up some a new puzzle and game! 

 We tried to pose for this one.  That pretty much never works out. 
 A new shirt!  Love it.  Not sure about the funny look on my face.  
 A new Nook Color!  And Grandma had no idea.  
 Grandpa Dave was SO excited to finally tell Grandma about all the ways she almost found out what he gave her!  He worked really hard to not give it away...which apparently he usually does because he can't resist dropping hints.  Way to go, Grandpa!  
 Daddy got a new heart monitor from Cammy!  Score! 

And Christmas evening................. 

Here is our Christmas spread.  Simple, but yum.  YES- I know the mashed potatoes are missing!! I forgot them AGAIN!  

 Little E's new shirt.  Too cute! 
 Grandma Nan's new apron. Lookin' good! 

 KJ's got her nose in a book.  Like mother like daughter!
 Cammy's having flashbacks to "Kirsten, can you please just put the book down?  Just for a minute?"  KJ's stopped long enough to give her a hug.  
 After dinner and clean-up...whew!  We made it :)  Now on to the dessert discussions.  
All in all, a very Merry Christmas :)  Hope yours was too!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Rest of Fall

So, just to clarify, I don't mean rest as in 'restfulness', but as in 'completion'.

Restfulness...well, let's just say that is not the word I would use to describe these past few months.  Why, you ask?  Because at the end of October, right before Halloween, the Chadwick family of five moved in!

First, they had to get rid of all their "extra" stuff through a yard sale and Craig's List.  Then, they stored some things with a friend.  The rest came to our "terrace level apartment" as my mom lovingly called when she was here :)
 There's Jude and Ellison, heading down the steps to the their new place.
 Meiley and Bray were here to help unload.
 There's Beth and Asher, working hard!
 Pop Pop and Gigi McEntee even joined in the unloading.  (And of course Pop Pop stopped right in the middle of everything and HAD to vaccuum Beth's car.  I'm really glad he didn't see mine!)

 Almost done!
 Oh my, Asher.  You are SO CUTE.
 Meiley, Ellie and Jude posing!  Are they photogenic or what??
 Snowy came with Pop and Gigi that day.
  The Chadwicks are preparing to move to Austria to plant a church that is inviting like our church- a place where people actually want to come.  A place where they feel welcome, feel the freedom to ask questions, and hear the truth of God's love and redemption in Jesus.  They want to create that kind of environment for people, but do it in a way that will be for Austrians.  Obviously this will look different than our church in the States.  

You read more about the Chadwicks and what God is sending them to do here:  I encourage you to check our their amazing story- it's awesome stuff!  

It's been a huge blessing having their family here.  I still remember sitting across from Beth at Chick-fil-a asking about where they were in the process, and where would they stay, and then asking her if maybe they would consider staying with us.  We had no idea of what was ahead!  

Wow, it's been a wild ride!  Even wilder for them than it has been for us.  After their first week here, they went for a week in Chicago for training, then left for DC to finalize their visas so they could send them...and don't forget about the day trip to South Carolina for some paperwork.  Not to mention adjusting to both parents being at home, trying to figure out how to have the best working relationship, and homeschooling Ellison and Jude.  I have seen firsthand that this kind of ministry is no small task!  To say they have a lot of balls in the air in an understatement.  And its not because of poor planning.  It's just reality of the season they are in as they prepare to leave.  They have handled it all with incredible poise and lots of prayer.  

We have loved every minute of their time here.  We know we will be really happy when they get their residence visas, because it will mean they are ready to actually leave...but we sure will miss them!  So in the meantime, we're just trying to enjoy it as much as we can.

People think we're a little crazy.  "They are still there?"  they say, with surprise in their voice.  They don't what they are missing, and the amazing things God is doing in our hearts and the hearts of our kids from all of us having to live in relatively close quarters for a long period.  God created us to live in community- it's one of the main ways He grows us to be more like Him.  He shines His light on places where we would rather not look.  He makes us rub up against each other, forcing us to reach for His grace. And then, He pours it out.  And does more than we could ask, think, or imagine.

Of course it doesn't hurt that the Chadwicks are very considerate, helpful around the house, and parent their kids with the same heart we do.  It doesn't hurt that we just plain like them and laugh a lot!

And yes, there are endless dishes and toys and making meals and cleaning up after meals and little arguments between strong personalities.  

And yes, there is a whole lot more....well....noise.  

Some days we are tired and cranky and easily irritated.


That is all I can say.  God's grace! It covers.  It really does.  I'm so thankful that He has given me this opportunity to really ask for it...and watch Him give it- over and over and over.